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The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
Fueled by multi-million-dollar businesses and brands, a hidden social circle of successful women have created their own paradise in the majestic mountains of Utah.
Latest Episode: 4x19 Reunion (3)
4x01 Fresh Powder, Fresh Start
4x02 Vacation Crashers
4x03 All Tricks, No Trust
4x04 Don't Be a Drag
4x05 The Nastiness and Rumors
4x06 Après Rumor
4x07 An Olive Branch With Thorns
4x08 Moms, Missions, and Matrimony
4x09 Don't Come for My Sound Bath
4x10 Mormons Get a Bad Rap
4x11 If I Could Churn Back Time
4x12 Icy Apologies
4x13 Bermuda Views and Bathtub Blues
4x14 Bermuda Birthday Blues
4x15 Swimming With the Fishes
4x16 Mysteries, Revealed?
4x17 Reunion (1)
4x18 Reunion (2)
4x19 Reunion (3)