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A veteran bookie struggles to survive the impending legalization of sports gambling, increasingly unstable clients, family, co-workers, and a lifestyle that bounces him around every corner of Los Angeles, high and low. Danny is a struggling bookie handling sports bets without typical loan shark tactics. Ray, the intimidating muscle, only bluffs. Sister Lorraine manages finances and sells mushrooms.
Latest Episode: 1x08 A Square Job in a Round Hole
1x01 Always Smell the Money
1x02 Making Lemonade
1x03 Trust Your Sphincter
1x04 Some Whales Nix the Vig
1x05 Beware the Family Jewels
1x06 Nepo Bookies
1x07 The Super Bowl: God's Gift to Bookies
1x08 A Square Job in a Round Hole